ArcFM Desktop Configuration Guide
Validation Rules

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Feeder Manager 2.0 contains a variety of new validation rules you can assign to ensure the correctness of your data. These validation rules work only with edge and junction features that participate in an electric geometric network configured for Feeder Manager 2.0.

MultiFeed or Loop QA/QC

If one of your feature classes is configured to use either the MultiFeed or Loop QA/QC rule, but you'd rather it wasn't applied to certain individual features belonging to that class, you can set features to ignore this rule from the currently selected set. In the Attribute Editor's Selection tab, right-click one or more features and click QA/QC Disable Options.

In order to choose whether these rules can be ignored for certain features, your database must contain a non-versioned table called MM_QAQC. This table contains the following four fields:

Field Name Data Type
FeatureID Long Integer
FeatureClassID Long Integer
QaqcRule Text

This table contains the individual features that the MultiFeed and Loop validation rules will ignore. During the upgrade process, you run the Create/Update ArcFM Solution System Tables tool. This tool creates that table. 

Once this table exists, be sure to assign any ArcFM users read and write privileges on this table. Do so via ArcCatalog. In the Catalog Tree, navigate to MM_QAQC. Right click the table and select Manage > Privileges.

Edited Features

In order to enable the Feeder Sync option, your database must contain a non-versioned table called MM_EDITED_FEATURES with the same permissions as the MM_SYSTEM_PERSIST_INFO table.

Field Name Data Type
ClassID Long Integer
FeatureID Long Integer
Version Text

This table contains a list of edited features that you can update in your GDB at a later time. During the upgrade process, you run the Create/Update ArcFM Solution System Tables tool. This tool creates that table. 

Once this table exists, be sure to assign any ArcFM users read and write privileges on this table. Do so via ArcCatalog. In the Catalog Tree, navigate to MM_EDITED_FEATURES. Right click the table and select Manage > Privileges.



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